Welcome to Peak Fitness

More than a Name

At Peak Fitness, our name is not just a reflection of physical achievement; it embodies the spirit of the stunning landscape that surrounds us in San Luis Obispo. Inspired by the Nine Sisters and the majestic Bishop Peak, we find our motivation in the harmonious blend of community and nature. Nestled in this beautiful coastal town, our gym is more than a place to sculpt your body; it’s a sanctuary where individuals from diverse backgrounds come together to embark on a journey towards their peak potential. The sprawling hills that grace our horizon offer not only breathtaking views but also endless opportunities for outdoor adventures, with hiking trails that beckon us to conquer new heights. At Peak Fitness, we believe in harnessing the energy of our surroundings, both within the walls of our gym and out in the open air, to inspire a holistic approach to wellness that transcends the boundaries of the ordinary. Join us on this transformative journey, where the name Peak Fitness is not just a label, but a testament to reaching the pinnacle of your personal best.

Meet the Owner

Marisa Grieco, the owner of Peak Fitness, brings a diverse and enriching background to her latest venture in the health and wellness industry. Her journey, marked by personal transformation and a deep commitment to holistic well-being, has equipped her with unique insights into fostering a healthy and balanced lifestyle.

While Marisa has a background in energy healing, mindfulness, and personal development, her focus at Peak Fitness is on creating a dynamic and inclusive fitness environment. Her approach combines traditional fitness offerings with a broader perspective on wellness, emphasizing the importance of a well-rounded approach to health.

Marisa’s belief focuses on the power of personal transformation and the importance of a supportive community in achieving wellness goals. Under her guidance, Peak Fitness is poised to become not just a gym, but a wellness hub where members can explore various aspects of fitness and health in a welcoming and empowering environment.